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Getting Quality High PR Backlinks
Just popping in
2011/11/20 0:21
Posts: 5

I have recently come across a site featuring Matt Carter who gives some great tips for getting quality high PR backlinks. One of his videos can be found here http://www.traffictravis. ... replaymatt . His suggestions have worked for me, so I thought I would pass it along. It raise my PR in one month God bless. Mobile Home Repair

Posted on: 2011/11/20 0:39
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Re: Getting Quality High PR Backlinks
2007/6/15 11:53
System Administrator
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Posts: 198

Don, thank you for joining the forums. All are welcome to share and learn how better to serve our ministries online.

Links to your site can have an impact on search engine rankings, but they are probably not as essential for most church and ministry websites. In terms of an overall web strategy, I would place them quite low, actually. Focus, instead, on building relationships with your online visitors and give them relevant content.

By the way - your post was moved to a more appropriate topic - Strategies and Tools. Out of respect for our visitors, please be sure any links or resources you do share are relevant and have value to other ministries and web stewards.

Posted on: 2011/11/20 5:13
"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." Isaiah 30:21
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Re: Getting Quality High PR Backlinks
Just popping in
2011/12/23 1:00
Posts: 1
Thanks for your information.
Another way to get high PR backlinks:

Posted on: 2011/12/23 1:03
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Re: Getting Quality High PR Backlinks
Just popping in
2011/11/20 0:21
Posts: 5

Steve, I'm sorry but i disagree. If you want to use your website as a high tech and overpriced Church bulletin then that is fine. However, if you are truly interested in reaching more people with the Good News of the Gospel then more visibility is the thing, other wise aren't you just preaching to the choir.

Posted on: 2011/12/23 2:29

Edited by Mobile Home Repair on 2011/12/23 2:46:40
Edited by Mobile Home Repair on 2011/12/23 2:53:34
Edited by Mobile Home Repair on 2011/12/23 2:59:08
Edited by Mobile Home Repair on 2011/12/23 3:03:02
Edited by Mobile Home Repair on 2011/12/23 3:03:49
Edited by Mobile Home Repair on 2011/12/23 3:05:46
Edited by Mobile Home Repair on 2011/12/23 3:08:00
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Re: Getting Quality High PR Backlinks
2007/6/15 11:53
System Administrator
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Posts: 198

Every organization will need to identify its purpose and develop a strategy to accomplish their goals. Getting connected to other relevant sites will be a part of the strategy, for sure. But, and this is critical - if you don't have quality content on your site and the backlinks don't originate from sites that have related content, the backlink is worthless and could possibly be detrimental to your search results.

Have content that encourages participation and then respond when you get it. The average person online has 130 friends on Facebook, which is more than the average congregation size in the USA. That means your choir can reach over 1,000 people without even trying. And that's only the first ring - each of those 1,000 people has friends, too.

Next question - is the goal to get people to visit your website, or to visit a church?

Posted on: 2011/12/23 4:13
"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." Isaiah 30:21
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Re: Getting Quality High PR Backlinks
Just popping in
2011/11/20 0:21
Posts: 5

Yes, quality of content is what it is all about. Having high quality relevent backlinks is essential to get your Church's message out to those that you are trying to get into the doors to fellowship as we are instructed to do in the Bible. Three of my fourteen websites and blogs are religious themed. One is for my Church the others are for those who can't make it in to our Church. I have viewers from China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and a few other places that don't allow Christian Churches or Bibles. We are supposed to teach the Gospel to the four corners of the earth. Now when it comes to getting people into your Church via your website you can look at it like this, if you have a widget website you will convert about .1% to 10%(high end) to purchase your widgets. If your viewers are the people who already attend your church then you have no new sales. Now, if those who are  in restrictive countries did not see my website then they would maybe not ever hear the Good News. I do this at the sake of sacrificing the quality relevent links for links that may reach my targeted audience who may be interested in the Words of Jesus. Example, I have links to my Christian sites on some of my news and construction sites. People happen to see them and click on them. Do I get huge amounts of hits from those who have a hard time getting Christian info...I don't know. However the finding of just one sheep to me is better than targeting the same sheep I will see on Sunday anyway. Keeping your own congregation informed is of great importance getting the Word of God in front of the eyes of those starving for the Word to me is of greater importance. Just my opinion. I do agree with you in the substance of your view.

Posted on: 2011/12/23 5:54
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Re: Getting Quality High PR Backlinks
Just popping in
2011/12/23 6:11
Posts: 1

I do not disagree with the principals you are acting on, but it is important to remember that the internet is not another venue for tract-esque communication. As Steve mentioned, the plan for promoting your church/organization's website depends on the internally identified purpose. Who is your target audience? Is this an information venue for congregants or an "outreach" tool? Does your website content reflect that purpose? Having two distinct websites for those both within your congregation and those who cannot attend, as you have mentioned, makes targeting the content that much easier. And it is your content, more than external links to your site, will benefit legitimate site traffic.

Something that avid web promoters sometimes ignore is the implications of posting links in irrelevant locations. When posting a link, the general idea is that it lends additional information to the ongoing conversation. Offering a link as an example of "This is what we did at our church" in a relevant forum is appropriate and beneficial. Including your church website in your signature on every comment left on various forums, however, quickly becomes irrelevant or obnoxious to readers, depending on the topic of the forum. That will inevitably temper any potential advantages that might result from backlinks. There is a definite distinction between reasonable promotion and spam. 

Which raises an important consideration: services, such as, raise rankings, but via questionable means. True, they can be effective, but the theoretical function of these services are to lend false importance to your site by creating irrelevant links to your domain. While this is a popular and accepted activity in many circles, are such attempts to increase the perceived significance of a website appropriate methods for a church? While the results might yield a favorable result (higher search engine rankings, which would presumably mean greater traffic), is this method of generated recognition an ethical means of business? My personal opinion is no, but that is, of course, my opinion. I personally believe that diligent attention to content, effective use of those tools available (such as social networking, professional email, and legitimate backlinking via relevant forums) is the upstanding, legitimate means to produce traffic of consequence and disseminate information that is applicable to users.

Posted on: 2011/12/23 7:07
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Re: Getting Quality High PR Backlinks
2007/6/15 11:53
System Administrator
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Posts: 198

Evangelizing through the web does certainly extend your reach around the globe and around the clock. Also remember, your church is in its own corner of the world and it has a mission right next door.

The primary point I'm hoping to get across, and I think Michael (micblame) is echoing, is that there are far more direct ways of improving your online position than seeking out backlinks. Secondary to that point is it is far easier to backlink wrong than it is to backlink properly and effectively. The challenge we face here and hope to communicate to more web stewards is how to build their ministry's online strategy on a firm foundation for the sharing of the Gospel.

That has been, and still is, the goal and mission of this website - to educate, encourage, empower, equip and enable others to carry on the work of Jesus Christ. Help them separate the easy from the simple.

Posted on: 2011/12/23 12:32
"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." Isaiah 30:21
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Re: Getting Quality High PR Backlinks
Just popping in
2012/7/13 18:46
Posts: 1
Thanks for your information.
Another way to get high PR backlinks:

Posted on: 2012/7/13 18:52
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Re: Getting Quality High PR Backlinks
2007/6/15 11:53
System Administrator
Site Maintainers
Posts: 198
Welcome to the forums, Huisgemeente. Please introduce yourself and tell us more about your ministry.

I had a look at the site, but needed to view it from my desktop because the site is built completely with Flash.

Because it's in Flash and completely in Dutch, I had to find someone to translate for me, at least give me the basics. Fortunately, I have a friend in Belgium.

Posted on: 2012/7/15 7:07
"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." Isaiah 30:21
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