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Steve 2011/4/17

A new update for XOOPS ( has  been released - XOOPS 2.5.1. According to the release article on -

Several bugs have been fixed as well as security enhancement based on Aung Khant's report.

Please be aware that the bugfix is not complete and 2.5 series will be following small but frequent release rule so that users can take advantage of quick fixes.

There also have been some security reports about the XOOPS 2.5.x series, but the developers have assured the community they are properly addressed.

Steve 2011/3/24
Tags: PHP 5.3  

The latest update to the PHP (Hypertext Prepocessor) programming language has recently been released, without a corresponding update to the older version. The PHP team ( has released PHP 5.3.6 without any corresponding updates to the 5.2 series of PHP, indicating it truly has ended support of 5.2. If you are managing your own web server, you are strongly urged to move to the 5.3 release of PHP. If you maintain a website that uses PHP, as most content management systems do, we recommend you make sure your web platform will run on PHP 5.3, as Internet service providers are likely to be upgrading PHP on their servers.

Steve 2011/1/29
Steve 2010/11/19
Tags: xoops   download  

Driven by the efforts of the French XOOPS community, XOOPS has released a final version of 2.5.0. The improvements in version 2.5.0 are focused on the administration area, with a generous use of jQuery for a comfortable feel for common actions, similar to a desktop application.

There are no major compatibility issues between XOOPS 2.4.x and 2.5.0, but there have been some reports of issues in their forums, which is to be expected of any new release.

Steve 2010/8/22
Tags: CMS   Drupal   Joomla   CMS Made Simple   WordPress   XOOPS   ImpressCMS   MODx   SilverStripe   Typo3   Concrete5   Pligg   DotNetNuke   Pixie  
Steve 2010/7/15

XOOPS 2.4.5 is a minor update to the XOOPS 2.4 platform, focusing on bugfixes and cosmetic changes to the underlying code.

There are detailed instructions to follow if you are using earlier versions of the xoopseditors - be sure to read and follow them. Please remember: If you're installing it over previous installation, make a BACKUP of your files and database first! Also note that some hacks done for previous XOOPS versions might not work with this release: testing before installing is always a good practice.