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<p>Modules and extensions for XOOPS and ImpressCMS</p>
Updated On: Sun, 30-Mar-2014
Submitter: Steve
SimplyWiki is the only native wiki module compatible with both XOOPS and ImpressCMS - it can be used to build an easily maintained site with a few static pages, or it can be a very active ...
Release Status:: Not Specified
Downloads 161
File Size: 0 B
Rating: (0 Votes)
Reviews: (0)
Mirrors Available: 0
Recent Downloads
- EasterLIVE How-To Guide (Mon, 29-Aug-2022)
- ImpressCMS (Tue, 20-Sep-2011)
- Framework by Bleekk (Sun, 10-Apr-2011)
- Razorburn Wireframe (Mon, 24-Jan-2011)
- Barebones Wireframe (Mon, 24-Jan-2011)
- SimplyWiki (Thu, 31-Dec-2009)
- ImpressCMS 1.1.2 All-in-One Windows Server (Tue, 12-May-2009)
- Scripturizer (Preload for ImpressCMS - tar.gz) (Mon, 19-Jan-2009)
- Scripturizer (Preload for ImpressCMS - zipped) (Mon, 19-Jan-2009)
- XOOPS (Sun, 07-Dec-2008)