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Installing XOOPS or ImpressCMS

Installing XOOPS or ImpressCMS is a fairly straightforward process. In its simplest form, you

  1. Download the latest version of the CMS
  2. Extract the files and folders from the archive you downloaded
  3. Upload the contents of the /htdocs folder to your root web folder
  4. Point your browser at your URL and follow the installation wizard

There are more little variations and nuances to the process, but within a matter of minutes you can have a XOOPS-powered or ImpressCMS-powered site ready for you to add content.The basic installation does not include any modules, but it does give you the foundation for many different web sites.

The ImpressCMS Wiki provides some great documentation about installing the latest software, which we won't try to duplicate here. We will offer some tips to make your installation a success.

Last modified on 2010/9/12 by Steve

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